Chapter 7

I’d started writing and pretending when I was just ten. And from then on, all my dreams, daydreams and writing, I was male. Remember that I had only once dreamed that I was female—and that was the little black girl in a blue dress, crying in a hallway.

And yes, around that age I started having female problems (already) as well as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and migraines. My periods were not just emotionally horrible but physically horrible as well. At that time, hard periods were said to be caused by your own attitude toward them; blame the victim even then. It was horrifying. Why could I not tell someone why? Because I didn’t really believe it was possible, myself. I thought it was some shameful insanity I had; what did they call it then: ‘penis envy’? I see now there are multiple websites concerning transgender and self-doubt. For me, just reading some of them in recent years, made me see how self-doubt carried over into almost every area of my life.