Chapter 9

The fact that, somehow, I was a girl who was going to be a woman, and not somehow grow into manhood, hit me like a bus on steroids. Puberty hit me upside the head so hard it could have dislodged a chicken bone.I knew absolutely nothing about transsexualism. All I could think was that there was something horribly and shamefully wrong with me, and that since everyone saw me as a girl, then it must be all in my mind. ‘Becoming a woman’ physically was devastating. I stuffed my secret so deeply inside myself that it was as if I’d locked ‘him’ even further into that coal cellar of my own making. How could you be ‘all right’ if you could be so wrong about your own identity? I was not ‘all right’.

What I did have, that kept me going, however, were times when ‘he’ popped up, as if to look around and see if it was all right to come out yet.