Chapter 11

At that time, I had no idea why or how ‘finding your own type’ was done. (Well duh there was only one of my type, as far as I know.) I insisted, however, that anyone who wanted to could and did sit with us at lunch. There was one girl, S., who may have been autistic, or even ‘special’ as it is called now, who was nonetheless in the grade below me (where I would have been had I not skipped third grade), and she sat with us. I’m not sure how much we included her in the conversation, but looking back, we didn’t have much in common with her, and she really never spoke to anyone. But she sat with us, because I made sure she did. And I think I must have brought that dynamic to the planet with me, for we didn’t really act that way—inclusive—at home. I think you have to be different, an outsider, to ‘get it’.