Chapter 37

After any crisis or loss, speaking for myself, there’s always a recovery period. Not just physical—for me the fibromyalgia/gut/migraines would all still gang up on me—but any confidence or sense of security, talent, worthiness and ability I might have once had, was gone into the sewer to cower there like a rat.

If you remember Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs, you can see this plainly; maybe that’s where I got it from. I think we covered it in the death and dying class I took with my college friend who had leukemia. Per Wikipedia and elsewhere, you must have these needs satisfied in sequential order to achieve the following ones: Physiological needs, safety, love and belonging, self-esteem, self-actualization, and self-transcendence. Knowing this made me be easier on myself, and I did not beat myself up for ‘underachieving’ or not doing better than I had.