Friday, July 9th: I never thought, when I first woke up as myself, to stay as myself, that the shit would hit the fan immediately. Whether it’s because of or it all waited until I was whole, I do not know. I lost my job and now I have to move. Luckily after two years on the waiting list, I have that room at Miller Manor, a subsidized housing building on the west side of town. Archie and his friends are the only people who are going to help me move; nothing from my other three at all.
I have forty boxes packed and am not done. The place is very tiny. I did get rid of half of my things and less than half of my furniture is going with me. My sister told me to not leave any trashy things here, just the good stuff. I’m sure she didn’t mean it the way it sounded at the time
So then I dreamed I was at karate and shouted out my KI so loud that I coughed out an apple core that shot across the room. I thought dreams were supposed to represent something? WTF, brain?