But, wait; I can’t find the source of this, but I came across Buddha’s ideas on it: “Then,” said Buddha, “I decline to accept your abuse and request you to keep it for yourself.” (Bartlett’s page 83 and other sources.) Something to think about there.
Jan 28: Talk about not being good enough; not good enough as a parent resulted in a two page ‘letter to our kids’ that will show up in the dictionary under both ‘passive-aggressive’ and ‘snarky’. I won’t print it here because—reasons. It was painful then and the shadows are still there. Just—be happy for other people’s good fortune, you know? Karma. It’s a lot like the one I want to send every April 1st, but haven’t (yet); telling all eight of them that we’re selling the condo and will be staying with each of them in rotations, three months at a time, forever.