Chapter 103

After I married my first husband my name became Carol Ann Marcum. Well then, nothing, other than a couple of obviously incorrect obituaries.

Then I married Bill and became Carol Ann Bays. Whoops; she’s dead too.

I had degrees in all three names; high school as Forde, and Associate’s as Marcum and a Bachelor’s as Bays. Weird, huh? I always did feel invisible. Maybe it’s true.

Then we get to Emery C. Bays shortly before I married and became Emery C. Walters, assuming I have the name change and marriage dates in the proper sequence. But like I always say, this is why I have a wife, to remember little details like that. But as Emery C. Walters, there I am, mostly with my books. I’ll take it. I’m finally visible anyway, if only on the back cover of my books.