Chapter 108


Talk Amongst Myself 1976

You can go your own way

And off, away with you

Keep to your woodland paths

Hiding from the sunlight

Taking shelter beneath the trees.

I know you enjoy the violets

Trilliums and pussy willows,

And I am not needed for your world to be full;

But still I watch from the corner of my planet

And wish that I could step into yours.

For low I hear you calling

Even though you are silent

And only smile

Your wild rose smile

Which means nothing.


Under the Water 1978

Under the water a treasure lies

Under the surface down in the mud,

Under a tree trunk all mildewed with age,

And drawn to its glitter I swim and I dive

And even in dreaming I smile and I sigh.

For somewhere in history way back in my childhood

I lost and I buried a treasure superior

As I grew my body developed in error

I rode on the surface with cold tears and terror

Becoming a woman, no longer a boy,

And the man I envisioned sank under the waves