Chapter 111

My two major volunteer experiences are both related to my writing. The first time I was a volunteer probation officer, lots of paperwork there, and I did have a minor in Law Enforcement at the time. I studied that so I could be more factual in my writing. Right now I volunteer at the library’s used book store. Ha! Yes, I’ve seen one or two of my books show up there, and that’s a weird feeling. You don’t know whether to be proud or ashamed. I also saw one at Goodwill, so there’s that, too. I put it next to something famous and took a selfie. If was definitely my inner male who wanted to study those things, and do the work, but also as a woman and mother I just fell into that first one after meeting the probation officer. I say I wanted to do the second volunteer position, at the bookstore, because of the opportunity to dig through a dumpster, but of course it’s more than that. I hope.