Chapter 10

“Holmes really has it in for you.” Was DB changing the subject?

The DCI Threat Analysis had stepped into my director’s shoes when Bram Rayner had taken some leave to help his wife after she’d given birth to a child Mother’s generation would have called a change-of-life baby.

“No, I don’t think it’s me personally. He’s simply trying to find the right fit for Vincent.”

“Dammit, he’s not trying very hard, Quinn.”

“Oh, I’m not under any illusion that this is to be anything other than a punishment assignment for me. Holmes is riding roughshod over everyone.”

“Yeah, and no one says a fucking thing.”

“He does have friends in the Administration.” As a result, the officers in Threat Analysis had no choice but to suck it up.

And now it seemed the rest of us had no choice either.

Except for Vincent, of course. Word had it when Holmes threatened him with demotion, Vincent had smirked and sneered, “I’m working for the CIA. How much fucking lower can I go?”