Chapter 14

I turned on my heel, and Mann followed me out of his office.

“Hold my calls, Ms. Watson,” he said to his personal assistant.

“Yes, sir.”

We strode down the corridor toward the elevators, our steps in sync. That was pretty cool. Unusual, since most men couldn’t keep up with me, but cool, especially since I had about four or five inches on Qu-Mann.

He pressed the call button for the elevator, while I veered toward the stairwell.


“Never take ‘em, Mann. I’ll meet you upstairs.”

“No, I’ll go with you.”

“Think I’m going to run out on you?”

“You’re an ass. You know that?”

“Ah, Mann, I didn’t know you cared.”

“Fuck off.” His cheeks turned red, and I had to laugh.

“My virgin ears.”

“Oh, please.” He glowered at me. “Your ears haven’t been virgin in ages.”

“I’m cut to the quick.” I gave him my best injured look. “And how would you know that?”