I wondered what my cock would feel like in his mouth.
My cock became more…interested, and I licked my lips.
“Not yet,” I muttered under my breath. That would have to wait until I was home. I followed him out of his office, waiting while he locked it. “You have any plans for tonight, Quinn?” If Mann could call me “Mark,” then quid pro quo, I was calling him “Quinn.”
“Quinton.” He paused for a moment, then shook his head and repeated, “Quinton.”
“Right.” Okay, I got the idea, but didn’t anyone ever shorten his first name? He needed to loosen up.
I grinned. And I was just the man to do the loosening.
“You said yourself, it’s Christmas Eve. Did you think it likely I’d have nothing lined up?”
Well, hell. There went my Christmas present to myself. And it served me fucking right. Did I really expect someone of Quinn’s caliber to have a free evening?