Chapter 20

“The drinks, Scotty?”

“You got it! Two Glenfiddiches, coming right up.” The bartender turned to get the bottle and poured two fingers each into a couple of scotch glasses, then set them down on the bar.

I reached for my wallet, and Mark put a hand on my arm. “I’ve got this one, Quinn.”

“Thank you.”

“You want to run a tab?” Scotty asked.

Mark glanced around the crowded bar. “Not tonight.” He handed him a twenty. “Keep it.”

“Thanks, Mark.”


I waited until Mark had lifted his glass, and then raised my own and tapped it lightly against his. “Merry Christmas, Mark.”

“Back atcha.”

I sipped. This was a malt whiskey to be savored. Mark seemed intent on savoring it as well. His eyes were closed and there was a slight smile on his face. The hard expression he usually wore was gone, and he looked more at ease and younger than I could remember seeing him in the past year.