“What did she do to you?”Polly gaped at me when I turned to look at her.
“I have no idea.”
I lifted my hand up in front of my face and flexed my fingers.Perfect movement.In fact,I was almost sure that my joints felt better than they ever had before.
I knew one thing for certain.“We probably shouldn’t tell anyone about this.”
“Why not?It was awesome!”Polly exclaimed,scowling at me when I shook my head.
“It was freaky.”
And the last thing I needed was anyone to get another whiff of freaky coming from me.
By the time I eventually got home,after two buses with Polly chattering away,I wasmore than a little relieved to find that Nicola was still at work.
I wasn’t at all ready for her nightly routine of asking me how the school day had gone.