Chapter 13

Eww.Those two seriously needed to get a room.

Polly was stood off to the side,looking awkward and trying not to look at them.She clutched her bookbag so tightly to her chest that I thought her books might pop right out of it.

Even when Lola was nowhere near me,she still made me mad.Didn’t she have any common decency?I mean,sucking a guy’s face off right in front of his eleven-year-old sister,come on.

Against my better judgement,I found myself strolling over to them.My hand reachedfor the pendant around my neck,and I sucked in a deep breath to steady myself.

“Hey,Pol!Why don’t you ride with me again?”I called out to her,and Lola whipped around so fast that her head looked like the girl’s in the exorcist.I knowthat movie is rated eighteen,but teenagers will be teenagers,and really,it’s not even that scary.At least,that’s what I tell myself.I did have nightmares forabout a week after Peter forced me to watch it while we were babysitting Polly one night.