Chapter 20

Am I dying?

If I was seeing her,then I had to be.

Yet I wasn’t scared anymore.In fact,I was quite the opposite.

Though she was simply floating next to me,I felt as though her warm embrace was all around me,protecting me from the water that threatened to drain the life from my lungs.

Then suddenly,something hard and heavy hit her.The object burst right through her,causing the image of her to totally disperse.

My eyes blinked,almost in slow motion,and when I opened them again,Peter was before me.Instinctively my hand reached out to grip his outstretched arm,and he gripped hold of me,dragging me to the surface with him.

The moment my head broke the water,I began to cough and splutter.My cheeks burned red with heat when I noticed all the kids who had approached the edge of the pool to watch.Not a single one of them looked as though they were ready to leap in to rescueme.