Chapter 31

“This is the study room,”Zoe explained.

I didn’t really need her to tell me that,but I smiled and nodded anyway.

The room was larger than I expected and filled with back to back desks that each had their own laptop.Around the edge were bookshelves that were practically bursting with books.

“We can use the laptops any time we like but just remember that anything you do on them is recorded and checked by the lecturers,”Zoe warned as though she thought I was going to start looking at some kind of black market material.I mean,what couldbe more black market than witchcraft?

Was I beginning to sound like one of those crazy Christian kids who thought that witchcraft and such was forbidden?Maybe I was.It made me cringe.I’d never been one for judging,but this was all new to me.

“There’s also a toilet back there.”Zoe pointed at another door that seemed to mirror the one in the kitchen.

“Finally we’ll take you up to see your room!”Zoe sounded excited.