Chapter 9

The good-byes were awkward.Erica hugged him and smiled sadly.They’d become good friends on the way.Rider looked thoughtful,told him to call,and Dallas promised.

It was Mikael and Maxim who took him to town.The drive wasn’t that long,but the heavy silence in the car was.

Finally getting enough of it,Dallas cleared his throat.“I want you to know I wouldn’t have come here if I knew he was here.”

Again with the silent treatment.The half-human and the Siberian tiger both oozed with,if not hatred,then negative energy.

“Look,I loved him.I really loved him.This isn’t easy for me either.”Dallas huffed,leaning back into the seat.

“Still love him?”It was Maxim who asked,and Dallas could see Mikael jerk a little in surprise before glancing at his lover.