Chapter 34

The rain was almost horizontal by the time the baaing creatures were moving properly,and Noah felt the water drip from his hair and slip past the collar of his jacket.Cringing,he shook the bucket and called out to the sheep.He moved backward,keeping an eye on possible strays while Mikael was holding onto the other bucket that had one of the sheep latched on to it.

It was slow going,but with the fox behind them and the oats leading them,the sheep finally moved out of the paddock.Jude was standing still,acting as a fence when the sheep noticed him and tried to keep away from him,pressing against the fence on the other side of the trampled path to the barn.Funnily enough,the sheep wouldn’t have cared about Jude in his human form;they’d just rush past him and run off to the yard.But even immobile as he was,Jude in his wolf skin was scary enough to keep the stupid woolly things in line.