Chapter 6

“Thank you.”

He listened to a Finnish conversation and then Joonatan ended the call.“I’ll drive you.I was finishing up for the day anyway.”

“Okay,thank you.”

The drive wasn’t that long,but it felt as if it took ages.The roads went from asphalt to dirt and then narrower dirt,and Derek found he loved it.What he didn’t care for was the barely concealed hostility from Joonatan.The man was protective of Mikael and his farm,but there was no way for Derek to ask him if he knew what his friends were without sounding insane if Joonatan didn’t know about shifters at all.

Suddenly,the car emerged from the forest-lined road into a large yard with several buildings

“Here we are,”Joonatan murmured.

“Thank you so much.I know you didn’t have to do this,but…thanks.”Derek hoped his expression conveyed the feeling of genuine gratitude he felt.He got out of the car and grabbed his backpack from the back seat.

Joonatan turned his car and drove off again.