Chapter 18

Kit turned then,and poked Derek’s cheek,too.The same chattering almost-purr sounded,and Derek couldn’t help but to smile.“Yeah,kiddo.I’m family too.Everything isn’t just magically sorted now that your dad’s back,but we’re off to a good start.”

He glanced at Cal over Kit,and saw the pained look in his eyes.Yeah,they both knew it wouldn’t be that simple,but this time,they wouldn’t give up,either.


Cal started to heal quicker,whether it was Noah’s miracle ointment,having his family closer,or something completely different that enhanced the process.

On the third day,he insisted on going outside,and they walked around the small yard together as a family.

“Mikael said we still need to paint the house,but that can be next spring if we don’t want to do it yet,”Kit said when they stopped to examine at the house from the edge of the yard.

“I can’t even tell what the old color was supposed to be.What do you guys suggest we do?”Derek tilted his head.