“Morning.”Julia looked at the clock.“God,I didn’t realize what time it was.”
“You must have been worn out.”Keith chuckled and turned back to the pan.“I managed to have a shower,get dressed and have my own breakfast without you stirring.”
“Don’t be.You needed your sleep.”Keith turned off the hob and began to put the food onto the plate at his elbow.“I’ve made you breakfast so you don’t have to worry about food.”
And the food was making Julia’s mouth water.Sausages,egg,bacon…she did love a cooked breakfast.
“I’ve got some hash browns in the fat fryer,and the beans are ready.”Keith turned.“Unless you don’t think you can manage that all.”
“I can manage it fine.”Julia grinned.“I’m starving.”
Hopefully,her nausea wouldn’t bring it up again.This smelled far too good to waste.She would eat,and then pack her things before going to her mother’s place.After she had taken that pregnancy test.
Don’t think about that.Not now.