The little red creature, Bob, stood frozen for a moment before scurrying off, brandishing his pitchfork and hissing at the wide-eyed man in a dark blue suit standing in front of him. After a few judicious pokes to the backside, the man shuffled and tripped his way over to an entrance leading to a downward flight of stairs. Sure enough, there was even a sign above it that read ‘Advertising & Marketing This Way’. Though, I’m pretty sure it was written in Sumerian or Early Aramaic. How in the hell can I suddenly read Aramaic?
I covered my mouth and snickered for a second or two.
“What?” said Molly.
“Sorry. I just realized I can read Aramaic now.”
Molly tucked her chin and glared at me over the tops of her Wayfarers. Her pupils definitely had a smolder.
“Well, it’s not that so much as… well, I was just thinking to myself, you know… Um… How in the hell can I read Aramaic.”
I snickered again. Molly didn’t move a muscle.
“You know, ‘cause I’m in hell. How in the hell...”