
Chapter 18

“Don’t worry, he sleeps pretty deep now. The first couple of nights were different, but it seems like his mind went ‘okay, you need rest’ and he’s dead to the world.” Makai grinned and finished making them egg sandwiches. “This okay?”

“Yeah, thanks. I’m going to bring you guys lunch when I get back from Mercer. Then figure out dinner later too. My turn.” Kaos watched the coffee maker mournfully. Having to wait was the worst, after Trev’s fancy machine that used pods, with its twin sitting on the counter in the tattoo studio’s break room.

Funny how the only two things he missed from that relationship were Trev’s gadgets and Lake.

“What are you thinking about?”

Kaos smiled. “Better coffeemakers, mostly.”

“Ah yeah, I’ve been meaning to get a really good one. This came with the house and is crap, but you know.” Makai shrugged. It wasn’t a priority—Kaos could understand that.

“We need to look into that, bro,” Kaos murmured, sighing wistfully.