
Chapter 31

“How many do you have without homes?”

“Three. Well, two, but we have an agreement that the person who wants the third will take the one that’s left when he gets back to town. He’s traveling for a bit.”

Two wasn’t so bad. Being able to pick one of three, even better. Shit.

“Let me talk to my housemate. It wouldn’t be fair to spring a puppy on him, so we’ll see. But I’ll give you a call if we decide to take one, okay?”

“Works for me, Doc. And you’ve been so great, so you’ll get one for free. No, don’t object. If you want one, we’ll at least know that it’ll never lack veterinary care and will be raised right, so that’s more than enough for me.”

Padraig smiled, defeated, and raised his hands. “Okay, but Athena will give you a 10 percent discount on the vaccinations just to get even.” When Mia tried to protest, Padraig turned to go into his office. “La-la-la, I can’t hear you!”

* * * *