
Chapter 28

“Thanks so much for trying to cheer me up,” I growled at DB.

The clerk tried to smother a grin. “—to Incheon Airport in South Korea. From there it will be a little under five and a half hours to Bangkok. Enjoy your flight, sir.”

“Thank you.”

“I’ll walk you to the gate, Quinn.” DB fell into step beside me, and I noticed he was favoring his right leg.

“Did you hurt yourself, David?”


“You’re limping.”

He blushed bright red. “Oh, that…it’s nothing. Seriously.”

“Get a little too strenuous with your ladies?”

“Yes. No. It was just….” He was so flustered I took pity on him and decided to drop the subject.

“Never mind. What brought you out tonight?”

He lowered his voice. “I’ve got something for you.” He handed me a book.

“I don’t read Dean Koontz.”

“Time to broaden your horizons.”

“What?” Hadn’t I said something similar to my lover recently? I blinked and shook my head.

DB just grinned. “I think you’ll find the passage on page 146 interesting.”