
Chapter 36

“The community is okay.” He fell into step beside me, and we walked toward the house.

“Only okay? What about the condo?”

“Barring any unforeseen difficulties—and I don’t think there will be any, they’re desperate to unload it—it’s mine.” He was in a very good mood.

Mother paused, looked over her shoulder. “Goodness knows Francesca worked hard enough to sell it. And that wasn’t all she was selling.” She smiled grimly, climbed the steps, and disappeared into the house.

“Francesca?” I stopped dead. Was that why he was in such a good mood? Was he becoming interested in this woman? Mark walked past me. He didn’t even realize I was no longer beside him.

And then he did. He stopped and looked back at me. “Quinn?”

“Should I be jealous?” I didn’t wait to hear what he had to say. I’d been tortured by nightmares, and he’d been screwing around.

“She isn’t my type, Mann.”