
Chapter 49

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Breakfast on Monday was simple, just coffee and toast.

“You don’t have to go all out for me. I can fix myself something at home.” Quinn came into the kitchen, knotting his tie.

“Will you try to get more sleep today?”

“I think I’m about caught up. I have some errands I’ll need to run before I go to pick up the Lexus.” He took the slice of toast from my hand and bit into it.

“Do me a favor and turn in early tonight,” I told him.

“Yes, mother.”


Quinn glanced at the clock. “You’re going to be late.” It was 8:00 a.m. “You really don’t need to drive me home, you know. I can call a cab.”

“Don’t give me a hard time, okay?”

“Okay. Thank you.”

“Ass. I just need to make a phone call.”

“So do I. I’ll wait for you on the stairs.”