
Chapter 73

“It’ll be fine, Spike.” Delilah smiled at him over her shoulder, a reassuring smile, and this wasn’t a party girl acting the part. She was concerned about him. Damn. I’d probably have to look into her murder. “I lubed up before you got here.”

“Okay.” He bit his lip. “If you’re sure?”

“Goddammit. Who’s in charge here?”

Pretty Boy reached forward and stroked Spike’s bleached hair. “It’ll be okay, baby.” He took Spike’s cock and centered it between Delilah’s rounded buttocks. “Go ahead.”

“Yes, go ahead, Spike. I’m ready.” Her back bowed gracefully, and she began to lick Pretty Boy’s cock, swirl her tongue around the crown, and gradually swallow him.

Spike thrust his hips forward. “Oh!” And a look of dazed surprise colored his face.

“Now lean closer so I can kiss you, baby,” Pretty Boy murmured.

Spike wrapped both his arms around Pretty Boy and sank into the kiss, virtually forgetting his cock was in Delilah’s ass. His soft whimpers were muffled by Pretty Boy’s lips.