
Chapter 94

“Not now, Mark. If you don’t mind?”

Well, yeah, I minded like hell, but I decided I’d let him brood. An additional Christmas present. Later I’d get what was bothering him out of him.

We pulled up in front of his mother’s Tudor home and parked behind his uncle’s Mercedes. Novotny came hurrying out to help Mrs. Mann into the house.

“Really, you’d think I was a toddler just learning to walk.”

“Listen, Breezy, behave or Santa will take back all your gifts.” Her brother was on her other side.

“Very well, I’ll let you help me, but not because of your threat. Santa knows I’ve been very good, unlike some I could name.”

They continued their banter up the walk, but when they came to the shallow steps, Novotny scooped her up and carried her into the house. Mrs. Mann didn’t say a word of protest.

Quinn gave me a look that I had no trouble interpreting: he wanted me to stay behind. “Ludo, would you mind giving us a hand with these gifts?”

“Love to, dear boy.”