
Chapter 104

Maybe that was one of the problems. No one gave him credit for having an imagination, at least not when it didn’t entail getting the job done expeditiously.

“I hadn’t planned to buy it, y’know.”


“With the way the world’s going to hell in a handbasket…I intended to find something down under, in Tasmania maybe, or New Zealand.”

My arousal subsided. “That’s a long way away from Costa Rica.” I didn’t like the idea of him that far away.

“Think I don’t know that? Of all the people in the world?” A mocking grin twisted his lips, and I wanted to rub a thumb over them, to smooth the cynical expression from his face.

“What were you doing in Costa Rica? No, never mind. I know you can’t tell me.” Or wouldn’t tell me.

He made a noncommittal sound, and I thought he’d turn on the radio or change the subject. To my surprise, he did neither.