
Chapter 118

Gregor raised Mother’s hand to his lips and smiled into her eyes.

Jeff hugged his partner and kissed him warmly.

I was startled to see Tony pull Bryan into a hug. They stood like that for a moment, and when my youngest uncle stepped back, he smiled warmly. I was pleased they had repaired their relationship.

Mark didn’t kiss me, just shook my hand. The look in his eyes, though—it promised more for afterward, much more.

Mother reached for her cane. Gregor made sure she was steady on her feet, then stood to the side as she crossed the floor to join Tony and Bryan.

She rested her palm against Tony’s cheek. “I hope by next New Year’s Eve, you’ll have found your one.”

He shrugged. “I think that possibility has passed me by. And forgive me for saying this, but seeing how miserable Johanna made you, Bryan, and seeing how alone you’ve been since Nigel died, Portia, I believe I prefer it that way.”

“It wasn’t all misery, big brother.” Bryan’s smile had faded, but he seemed in earnest.