
Chapter 130

“Here you go then.” He piled sheets, pillowcases, blankets, towels, a couple of pillows, and a couple of bedspreads in my arms, and handed Mark a key. When he realized I didn’t have a spare hand for the key he was trying to give me, he handed it to Mark as well. “I’m giving you a real nice cabin. If you want to use the fireplace, there’s plenty of firewood around back. And if you need anything, here’s a list of numbers.” He dug the paper out of a drawer and gave it to Mark, since my hands were still full. “Er…the phones in the cabins have been disconnected. You have cell phones, don’t you?”

Mark grinned at him. “Who doesn’t?”

“Okay, good. Cell service around here is good. Just one more thing. Prissy won’t be in to clean the cabin until Monday. I gave her the weekend off. Her brother’s the starting point guard, and she doesn’t miss a game when he plays.”

“Not a problem. We’re big boys. We can make a bed.”