
Chapter 137

“I guess that’s what I get for letting a CIA officer tag along.” He pinched my ass, his grin letting me know he was teasing. “Sit down.” He nodded toward a chair at the kitchen table.

“Should I get changed first?” I made myself as comfortable as I could.

“Nah.” He took more appliances from the cookie sheet and began dabbing them with some sort of glue.

I eyed them cautiously. “Are they going to rip off my skin when it comes time to remove them?”

He began applying them one by one. “Trust me, Quinn.” He used them to build up my cheekbones, chin, and brow ridges. A straw-colored wig and eyebrows, and contacts that would make my eyes blue.

“No moles? No Jimmy Durante nose?”

“No. Nothing to draw attention to you.” He smoothed down the last of the appliances and handed me a mirror. “Okay, we’re done.”

I stared into it. “I look like a…a thug.”

“No you don’t, but even if you did, I’d think you were cute anyway.”