Q: Listening to “Priceless,” someone might think you regret leaving Napa.
A: Really? Why do you think that?”
Q: Well, it’s a love poem to the valley, isn’t it?
A: That doesn’t mean I’m the narrator.
Q: If not you, then who?
A: The world is full of people who see beauty in details others find mundane. Ominous clouds the second before the skies open and drench everything in rain. The first grape to appear on a vine. The problem is, they often get dismissed as mundane themselves when that couldn’t be further from the truth. “Priceless” is about recognizing the value in the details, in those people, while you have the chance. Don’t forget them. The world deserves better than that. They deserve better.
Though I press, Mayer sticks to the vague, but I end the interview convinced he’s thinking about somebody specific when it comes to the “Priceless” narrator. It could be a father, a mother, a friend. Only Devin Mayer knows for certain.