Chapter 41

“Odd. For a second there, you looked familiar.” Thomas shrugged. “I have to be going. It was nice seeing you again…Theo. I don’t suppose you’d…” He glanced at Wills, who was wearing that flat, cold look. “No, I suppose not. Ah, well. Good evening, gentlemen.”

The door closed quietly behind him. I went to it and locked it.

“That was odd.”

“What was?” The cold look was fading from Wills’s face.

“I met someone who thought he’d seen me before, you met someone who thought he’d seen you before, and both in the same day. How often does that happen?”

“Yeah. Well, they say we all have a double somewhere in the world.” He slid his arm around my shoulders and urged me toward the stairs. “Are you going to call Connor and tell him you won’t be able to meet him at the Ball?”

“Yeah, I think I’d better. It’s the right thing to do.” I had my arm around his waist.

“You think so?”