Chapter 48

“Where was I?”

“‘Doc’ had come in for a drink after a hard day sweating over a dissecting table.”

“Right. So I said, ‘I’m sorry, Doc. We’re all out of walnuts. I’ve got something else, though, if you’re willing to give it a try.’” I could see he was biting back a grin. “‘Sure,’ he said, so I mixed it for him and put it down on the bar. Doc took a sip. He was really cautious at first, because he wasn’t sure if he would like it. He wasn’t a very adventurous kind of guy, y’know?”


He raised his drink to his mouth, but I could still see the grin on his face. “Anyway, he got this shit-eating grin on his face, and he finished it off in a couple of gulps. He didn’t even take the time to savor it, which kind of ticked me off. I’m a good bartender.”

I patted his hand. “Never mind. The man was obviously a philistine. What happened then?”

“Doc said, ‘This is awesome, dude! What is it?’ and I said…” Wills had to pause for a second and clear his throat.