Chapter 51

“I bet you wouldn’t say that if Daddy were here.”

She looked over her shoulder at me, blinked, and continued out of the room, her little stub of a tail as high in the air as it would go.

“Well, that just means more for me,” I called after her. I finished my dinner in solitude, trying to think what to do to while away the time until Wills called.

Going out, to the movies or dancing—why, if Wills wasn’t with me?

The cable company we subscribed to offered hundreds of channels, and there was crap on all of them. I didn’t feel like watching a DVD, not even The Big Chill, or reading, or looking at porn online. Without Wills, what was the point?

How lame was this? He had only been gone a few hours.

I loaded the dishwasher and changed the litter in Miss Su’s litter pan. The apartment was already spotless, so there was no need to clean it.

I couldn’t call Tim. Saturday nights at his pub were some of the busiest times.

I couldn’t call Paul. He was working the three to eleven shift.