Chapter 19

Why hadn’t I realized that? She may be straight and perhaps we could be nothing more than friends, even best friends. But if that were the case, it would be less than I hoped for yet so much more than I had right now. I was so lonely and I told myself that I could be happy if she was again my friend and nothing more.

I texted Patsy:

{Suze: Pats. No can do tomorrow’s run. She wants to see me.}

My phone rang within a minute.

“Talk to me.”

I took a breath. “I don’t know what’s going to happen. Kerry, the girl I spoke to you about—”

“I figured that’s who you mean.”

“Well, she came by my place today. She thought I was in San Francisco and just sat on my stoop. A few hours after she’d gone I mustered the courage to call her and probably told her more than I should have. I don’t care. I said I needed to see her. Pats, I really need to just see her.

“I’m taking the train up to Westchester in the morning. I’ll tell you how it goes.”