Chapter 36

Eileen was still woozy when Kerry started to shake her, “Mom, Mom, are you all right? Can you hear me? What’s going on?” It was all fuzzy and then it hit Eileen like a hammer. She was sitting down just a moment ago and savoring a drink.

A Morning After

On Saturday morning, Eileen sat in her kitchen alone with Betty. Although not her specialty, Betty was a psychologist familiar with substance-abuse issues. She had come over early to be in the house when Eileen awoke and Kerry, who with Suzanne had gotten her Mom upstairs, to the bathroom, and into bed and who checked on her Mom regularly during the night (finding her asleep each time she looked into her room) had gone upstairs with Suzanne after getting assurances from Betty that things would be alright and that she would help Eileen get the help she needed.