Chapter 44

“I’m sorry, Eric, but your Aunt did something that was wrong and that we could not tolerate—”

“Mother, don’t you see? You’re saying that what Suzanne is doing is wrong and cannot be tolerated. How can you be surprised that she feels that you won’t tolerate her? That you won’t ever invite her here as you never did after that Thanksgiving with Aunt Mary? How can you wonder that Suzanne couldn’t take the chance that you and father would formally disown her like Grandpa and Grandma Nelson disowned Aunt Mary.”

“You know about that?”

“I told you, there’s a lot that Suzanne tells me and there’s a lot that Aunt Mary tells Suzanne. And, mother, I have spoken with Suzanne’s Kerry. She’s doesn’t seem as sweet as Suzanne but who is? But I can’t imagine that Suzanne would fall in love with someone who would be like you’re saying or whose mother would be like you’re saying about Kerry’s Mom.

“But here’s the thing. None of that matters.”

“Of course it matters,” Kate Nelson retorted.