Chapter 59

There is one person who could not be there, my father. He could not be there because he declined to come, like a modern-day Lady Catherine de Bourgh, growling in California while the ceremony proceeded in New York. It remained, everything about it, an abomination to him and he would not accept the condition that I, and Mother, set for his attendance. I send him a monthly check for what I owe him financially—now up to $1,500—which he does not deposit and that is the extent of my contact with him.

Putting on the Ritz-Carlton

Because Kerry had school, we put off our honeymoon. But the Family insisted that we do something on our wedding night. Tom put us in the back seat of his Audi and Mom followed in our—that would be the newly-wedded couple—Camry to White Plains where the two of us were deposited and our car parked by their parents who, after yet more hugs beneath the overhang at the hotel’s entrance disappeared into the night.