Chapter 79

“Let’s not spill this water.” With a smile, she said, “I’m afraid I don’t have a robe for you. You will have to put your suit back on.” She paused as he got up. One Mississippi. Two Mississippi. She was thinking.

“If you had like, we can take a shower together before you do.”

“If I had like?” He circled the bed and she got up when he got to her side.

In truth, the bathroom did not have much of a shower. She did not know if it could fit two, but she was determined to find out. She turned on the water to allow it to heat up and he said he had to pee so she excused herself. When he flushed and opened the door, the shower was steaming, so he turned the heat down and when it was warm and no longer hot, they got in together. There was enough room for some maneuvering but not by much.