Chapter 83

For her part, Kate told of also becoming free and seeking to again settle down with someone she could love. It was quite intimate for the two, and after eating they were lying back on the blanket with their thoughts and their wine.

“Do you believe in God?” She had to ask.

Simon paused. It was not something he gave much thought to.

“I was sort of raised Catholic, but now I’m agnostic about it.”

“Religion is very important to me. I want you to know that off the bat. It is what led to my divorce.”

Simon raised himself to look at her. He reached and gave her arm a rub.

“It was about Suzanne, my daughter. Long story short, she came out as gay, I initially tried to ‘save’ her then she saved me. Choosing between my Church and my daughter was easy. I saw God differently and became an Episcopalian.”

“Wait. You haven’t always been an Episcopalian?”

“Roman Catholic all the way. My husband, my ex, couldn’t adapt. It’s why I’m divorced. Not in the eyes of the Church, of course.”