Chapter 100

“Let her go,” said Debbie Pugh O’Neil, Kate’s sister, again. She was the hard-liner among them.

“That is easy for you to say,” William told her. “It is not your family that we’re talking about.”

“Of course it’s my family. But I will not allow…this to destroy us. She made her choice and that’s—”

“What about Suzanne? Are you saying that it was her choice too?”

“It was not her choice to be what she is. It is her choice to refrain from sinning. It is God’s test.”

William had heard it all before.

“And she has failed His test,” he said. “And we are to just abandon her. What about Kate? She is no sinner. She is doing what we are supposed to be doing. Tending to her daughter. What I am supposed to be doing.”

“And now she is a bigamist,” Kate’s mother said about her daughter.

“Please, mother. We are not going through this again,” Debbie said. “All we can do is pray for them and be welcoming to them when they come back.”