Chapter 31

It felt like a loss when there didn’t have to be one.

But a bigger loss would be losing Joe’s friendship altogether. So he swallowed his arguments and let it go to concentrate on what they had rather than what could be.

“There hasn’t been a peep from across the hall in forty-five minutes,” Carlo said in response to Joe’s query.

“That’ll have to do.” Joe stood and stretched. “By now, they know who she is. She’s either at the station, answering questions about what happened, or sitting with her daddy’s lawyer, keeping her mouth shut so she doesn’t end up in jail.”

Carlo felt sorry for Monica. He could swallow the story about a pretty girl like that faking her own kidnapping for the money, but Monica didn’t seem like a murderer. He didn’t think she knew anything about Eaton’s death. It was pure bad luck on her part.

“I don’t understand why you want to search her room, though. The cops already did that. What do you think you can possibly find?”