“No, it’s nonviolent,” he said, and then raised an eyebrow. “Unless you want to play it rough.”
“Not usually my style,” I answered.
“I didn’t think it was,” he said, licking his lips.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked.
“Ask me in a few minutes when we’re a couple of rounds into Truth or Grope,” he said.
I almost spit out my drink. “Is that seriously what she calls it?” I asked. “Isn’t that really similar to the game that every college freshman in this country plays? Isn’t that some sort of plagiarism?”
“I don’t think the game we all played in college was ever copyrighted. Anyway, this is a bit more mature.”
“Thus, the grope,” I said with a laugh.
“Are you ready to play or what?” he asked.
“Ever wonder why you’re attracted to younger men?” I asked.
“Ever wonder why you’re not?” he countered.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked.
“Once again, you should ask me during the game,” he said, with a smile that I wanted to smack off his face.