“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” he blustered.
“Sure you don’t.” I held my hand out, giving him a flat look. He swallowed, fumbled with the tape recorder, and dropped the tiny cassette into my hand. I stripped the tape out of its casing, said unctuously, “Thank you for your cooperation,” and left.
First I’d see about disposing of the tape, then I’d stop in the cafeteria to get some lunch, which I’d eat at my desk. That was what I usually did when I was working out of Headquarters. For some reason, the cafeteria tended to empty out when I ate there, so I made it a point not to eat there often.
I arrived back at my office with a pastrami sandwich—on rye, lots of fat and mustard and a juicy pickle, phallic in appearance, on the side—to find Ms. Parker was still out to lunch. I hadn’t seen her in the cafeteria, but….