* * * *
We were somewhere in Calais, me and the asshole who’d pissed off Lynx, in a warehouse that had been abandoned for quite some time.
For a moment, I thought back to the previous summer, to the warehouse on the Patapsco River, where Mann had thought to do a meet and buy with a scientist who’d contracted to work for Huntingdon and had panicked when he’d realized that to work for that corporation was actually to work for the WBIS.
I’d told Buonfiglio, the mole we had in the CIA, that I’d deal with it. I hadn’t trusted him any farther than I could throw him. If he’d betray the Company, the odds were he’d betray the WBIS as well.
And they said we were loose cannons.
The figure slumped in the chair moaned as he began to regain consciousness, and I was recalled to the present. I removed the protective gloves I had covering my hands and flexed my fingers.
“The man whose computer program you fucked with doesn’t want you dead. You should be grateful for that.”