Chapter 37

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A headwind delayed my flight, and so it didn’t arrive at Charles De Gaulle Airport until after eleven the following morning.

I pulled my briefcase from the overhead bin and walked out of the 747 and through the gate. I hadn’t checked any luggage, but Robert Lynx had told me my driver would meet me near baggage claim. I was curious as to how whoever it was would identify himself. He was hardly likely to be standing there with one of those little placards in his hand.

Then again, I could be wrong. My attention was drawn to two men who lingered by the moving belt. I gave a slight grin as I spotted the piece of cardboard with my name on it.

These were the men Robert Lynx had sent to escort me to the Division?

The one holding the sign appeared to be in his early to mid-twenties. His hair was close-cropped, his clothes were shapeless, almost as if he sought to conceal himself in them, and round, tinted lenses shielded his eyes.